Pharaoh’s Wrongdoings

Issue: Skin allergy/Rash in various parts of the body with a burning sensation During the past life regression online, the client regressed to a life where he served as a minister to a Pharaoh. He could see himself wearing a short robe with a thick gold necklace standing in front to the right of the Pharoah. […]

Mistaken Identity

Issue: The client does not get along with his mother. He felt that she was always critical of him and was particularly aggressive towards him during his childhood. During the PLR session, the client regressed to early 1900s and found himself walking through a village lane. It was a small village in Rajasthan and the […]

Explosive Anger

Issue: Explosive Anger (especially as a first reaction to an unexpected situation) During the PLR session, the client regressed to a life in 1637 in Rajasthan where he was a female prostitute named Sarla. Sarla had a good clientele and everything was going ok until she became pregnant when she was about 30 years old. […]

A Daughter Wronged

Issue: The client reported having a fear of abandonment. He wished to part ways with his wife but could not bring himself to leave her. During the PLR session, the client regressed to a time when he was king of a small kingdom. His daughter had run away to marry a common man. Shortly thereafter, […]

Nun in a Leper Colony

Issue: Vitiligo (white patches) in current life During the PLR session, the client regressed to a past life in the 12th Century where she found that she was a Nun in a convent having been taken in at the age of 16 after she became an orphan. She spent all her time praying at the […]

Angry Chieftain

Issue: Anger especially when the client is questioned about something During the PLR session, the client regressed to a life about 300 years ago where was a village Chieftain in his early 30s. He found himself in an open area with lots of holes dug into the ground. They looked like graves surrounded by flowers […]

My Life with Jesus

Issue: Stagnation in Spiritual Progress During the PLR session, about 2000 years ago, I was born in a feeble and emaciated body with fragile slender limbs. I was completely dependent on my mother as I could not move around on my own at all or hold my body upright. As I grew up, my body […]