Pharaoh’s Wrongdoings

Issue: Skin allergy/Rash in various parts of the body with a burning sensation During the past life regression online, the client regressed to a life where he served as a minister to a Pharaoh. He could see himself wearing a short robe with a thick gold necklace standing in front to the right of the Pharoah. […]

Mistaken Identity

Issue: The client does not get along with his mother. He felt that she was always critical of him and was particularly aggressive towards him during his childhood. During the PLR session, the client regressed to early 1900s and found himself walking through a village lane. It was a small village in Rajasthan and the […]

A Daughter Wronged

Issue: The client reported having a fear of abandonment. He wished to part ways with his wife but could not bring himself to leave her. During the PLR session, the client regressed to a time when he was king of a small kingdom. His daughter had run away to marry a common man. Shortly thereafter, […]