Explosive Anger

Issue: Explosive Anger (especially as a first reaction to an unexpected situation)

During the PLR session, the client regressed to a life in 1637 in Rajasthan where he was a female prostitute named Sarla. Sarla had a good clientele and everything was going ok until she became pregnant when she was about 30 years old. She delivered a healthy daughter and decided to lead a clean life, thus discontinuing her earlier profession. She was pressurised many times by her earlier clientele to resume her lifestyle of a profession. When she resisted their attempts to lure her, they threatened to hurt her as well as her daughter. However, the love for her daughter, the desire to be a good mother and the aim to keep her daughter away from her life as a prostitute, prevented her from giving in her clients demands. She lived in constant fear that they may try to harm her. 

One day when she was 37 years old, her worst nightmare came true. After a long day of work, she returned home with her daughter only to find one of her frequent clients, a man with a thick moustache and a red turban, waiting outside her home with two more men. They forcefully entered her home and dragged the mother and daughter inside with them. Sarla tried to hide her daughter behind her but all was in vain. She stood frozen as the intruders abused her with derogatory remarks. 

What happened next haunted Sarla for the rest of her life and the agony continued in future lives. The men dragged her 7 year old daughter outside and hung her from a nearby tree. No matter how much Sarla tried to fight off the men holding her, she was no match for them. She cried and wailed as she witnessed her daughter’s body become lifeless.

Time stood still for Sarla from that moment onwards. The thirst for revenge fuelled her anger and grief further. She died at the age of 83 still agonising over the traumatic demise of her daughter. Her last thought was that she could not avenge the death of her daughter.

It should be noted that Sarla’s daughter is the same soul as the client’s daughter in the current life.

Learning: After the session, the client spontaneously regressed to a life in the 1200s where he had killed the perpetrators from his life as Sarla with arrows. He understood that there is a cause of causes to all karmic activities. What is important is that we take the learning from each life and use it to elevate our spiritual understanding, thus making more loving choices in the future. The client reported a sense of greater acceptance towards others and a deeper connection with his daughter in the current life.

Please call or WhatsApp at 9871260053 to schedule an appointment with Priti Gupta for a counselling or past life regression session in Gurugram or to register for clinical hypnotherapy and past life regression courses.